"Pillars of our Nation"
As I was looking at the edge of the sweetest horizon
I saw some of their blood flowing down the big isle
Bravery that still remains over the great nation
Where they fixed those blooded war with loving smiles
Looking over the high mountains and blue seas of nature
I realized those brave men who fought for our great nation
They fought along with their own dignity that is pure
Where they sacrificed their own lives with their own action
As I was looking at the beauty of dazzling circle of Fire
They gave me pure hope to fight, along with my heart
Their bravery, independence, commitment that I truly desire
Our great nation will rise and will never ever fall apart.
As I was staring at the crystal clear blue sky up above
The pride of our Nation and the model of our generation
I humbly salute those brave heroes of ours full of Love
They will be remembered and will be our inspiration.
Farewell heroes of our brave pillars of great Nation
You will be highly remembered by our future generation.
- Blue Bard
Happy Independence Day to the place where i will always belong. 💕🇵ðŸ‡